UNITY 15 [UNITY: Transitions]

[Transition: Prototype: 28.04.17]

[Things to do]
1. create SceneTrans class for fade in black/white
2. void Fade(fib/fiw depending on situation) and void Dead(always fib)

1. in Unity, the range of color.a is 0f – 1f

2. hide the text obj

1. registering system

2. make the start scene

3. transitions between puzzles are too much so make “NONE” options in fading



[pdf] Transitions between scenes

Unity 14 [Unity: Spell Library, Book Class]

[Things to do]

1. When the player finds new patterns, those will be recorded on the spell library page of the crafting book.

2. The player may move to another page by tapping the bookmarks.

3. Introducing UI graphics



1. Prepare corresponding letters for the elements in our original font so that registering new patterns will  be easier.

2. Insert transitions between scenes (to inside fib, to outside fiw.)



[pdf] Class Book & BookMark

Unity 13 [Build: OS X ver. trial]

[Things done]

1. Complete narrative parts and Puzzle partsスクリーンショット 2017-04-13 14.29.33.pngスクリーンショット 2017-04-13 15.23.28.png2. Tried to build a prototype on OS X but didn’t work -> causes, more trials



1. Narrative.cs was outputting null-reference when it could not find the next Line object, so changed to detect the object first and then get the Line component if it was not null. -> In the game-view window you can play the game now -> building problems later!

Unity 10 [UNITY: Complete Battle prototype]

[Things to do]

1. fix bugs

[Problems & Solutions]

1. Null references -> the game worked before but stopped working (Unity-side bug?)
=> Rebuilt the whole battle scene with player manager class and battle manager class
2. Bad game balance -> increased enemyHP to 150
3. AI cures dead ppl -> dead character’s behavior -> bools dead[]
4. text goes on without click -> turn phases -> using int instead of bool


[Next to do]

1. Narrative scene & Start scene


[pdf] Battle Scene Prototype

Unity 09 [Unity: Debug Battle Scene]

[Things to do]
1. Fix bugs and complete battle system

1. Amber cannot cast properly- is not clear wt happening inside
2. The Turn system doesn’t progress properly

1. using Debug.Log
2. how to output array contents?: array[id].ToString()


1. Tried {0,1,3} and should print the Text “Amber halfed enemies’ attack powers”
2. Input was successfully {0,1,3},but the text and output was not successful.
3. => problems on Battle.cs, probably comparing arrays / the Amber’s action itself

[Improvements so far]
1. Combined cast.cs into game control.cs
[Debug Log]
1. amberInput: ok
2. turnID: ok
3. array comparing: not ok

1. convert int[] to int first and make the comparing simple!

[Video: Fixed ver.]

1. Success to attack an enemy


[pdf]debug: battle.cs

UNITY 08[Unity: Battle Scene]



[To-do things]
1. Alter interface to hirizontal, switch book <=> battle screen
2. Sample Battle texts

[Problems & Research]
1. enabling/unenabling objects: Book and Text(canvas) => SetActive
2. AI
3.HP bar = slider, make C# class for edit value
4. It seems array comparison doesnt work

[Next to do]
1. Fix the bug (Amber always fails casting)



[pdf] Battle Scene Prototype

Unity 07 [Unity: Runes Input]

[Initial Plan]

1. switch sprites by player’s input (elementID)

[Problems & Solutions]

1. maybe simplify methods to switch sprites
2. How to switch – using bool enabled of sprite objs already placed rather than calling sprite files each time
3. OnMouseDown – Trigger collider! – why i forgot this basic.. TT



[pdf] Input Runes

[next to do]
1. casting func
2. battle object