Unity 09 [Unity: Debug Battle Scene]

[Things to do]
1. Fix bugs and complete battle system

1. Amber cannot cast properly- is not clear wt happening inside
2. The Turn system doesn’t progress properly

1. using Debug.Log
2. how to output array contents?: array[id].ToString()


1. Tried {0,1,3} and should print the Text “Amber halfed enemies’ attack powers”
2. Input was successfully {0,1,3},but the text and output was not successful.
3. => problems on Battle.cs, probably comparing arrays / the Amber’s action itself

[Improvements so far]
1. Combined cast.cs into game control.cs
[Debug Log]
1. amberInput: ok
2. turnID: ok
3. array comparing: not ok

1. convert int[] to int first and make the comparing simple!

[Video: Fixed ver.]

1. Success to attack an enemy


[pdf]debug: battle.cs

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